Saturday, 17 April 2010

More Battle Damage

This happened last night. Girlfriend accidentally clipped a bus ;_;

And here are a couple more the next day, before the car got towed away...

UPDATE 20/04/2010 @ 17:24
Quote is almost in, but in the meantime I have been told that it only front/side damage. Lucky for me there is no axle or chassis damage but there is some minor damage to the suspension. ETA 1-2 Weeks (depending on parts).

UPDATE 26/05/2010 @ 13:44
Repairer claims that job is almost finished and the vehicle is now at the mechanics. Still no ETA.

Current Mood: Exhausted


eyehearttech said...

We finally got the car back, minus a wheel trim and the lock beeper working :-/

Unknown said...

Nice to know that the car got back to its good condition. Then if you want to make that car looks more up to date get this Reversing camera kit.