Thursday, 21 September 2023

Busy not working

Leading up to part 2 of my CCNP exam this week, I've found that while I've been unemployed for 3 weeks now (due to redundancy), I've not been any less busy.

It's a strange feeling being unemployed, busy juggling study, job seeking (and keeping active on this blog) and also being removed from the job and environment that I'm most familiar with.

What's even more wierd is that I have a home office where I used to perform some of my job as part of my previous employers hybrid work model, but I now find myself spend most of my time studying and job searching in the same physical environment, which feels alot like work except for the fact that I don't get paid for any of it.

I guess I need to maintain a positive outlook and attitude and keep in the back of my mind (awareness) that I'm actually not working and that what I'm doing on a daily basis is not actually a job despite the fact that it has the the feel of being in one!

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