Sunday, 23 March 2008

Still Alive

I have neglected the blogs of late, I'll try and fill you's in on some stuff that's happened recently. Well

I been maintaining the tech blog a bit more than this one and for some reason, doing episodic blogging :/

I got my final retention/redundancy pay last week *yay* now I'm thinking of investing my savings (for real this time, honest :P).

I finally caved in and decided to go to my friends place for the LAN, but I didn't get to play rock band this weekend. Apart from that I studied and worked on my assignments (kinda) while watching my brand new Cowboy Beebop Remix :) - Now if only buying DVD's where an investment...

So it's now 10 minutes 'till midnight and I'm still here blogging (how pathetic...) I really should sleep. Happy Easter everyone!

Current Mood: Unknown

Sunday, 9 March 2008

UNI Days Daze

It's been ever so long since I last bloged (no, I havn't given up blogging!).

Well, I'm back at UNI and it's all go. Assignments, labs, lectures and generally lots of mentally-challenging work.
I have fallen behind a little bit but thankfully I have my own personal catchup day every week :)

I'm going through my old sleepless/non-eating period again... fscking human body... *mumble*

Tonight I am going to make a (modified) Thai beef salad again. I hope I can remember how to make it!

Oh and here is a message to all my friends:

I will be having a Celebratory party at my house on (or the day after) my Birthday. Details will be emailed/sms/phoned in the next few weeks.

Current Mood: Neutral