Long time no blog. I have been to tired/busy/lazy to blog lately, so I haven't. Until now.
I tried to upload some BG4 pictures but I discovered there's a maximum of like 7 photos that you can upload with blogger and I coun't get the justification/alignment right. Sorry people but I will have to show them to RL people "on-demand".
Work is not so busy. I'm not so emotional and I seem to somehow be getting bored easier these days...
I am also drinking more (except when I'm onsite - due to ERT).
Ok, time to stop babbling and try to recap on the last week or so...
Had the performance review (just before my boss left the company), but no word on a pay rise of any kind...
Last RDO was a big drunken blur as I just stayed home and drank (I was too poor to do anything else really), however I did manage to get a new Logitech G7 Laser mouse... niiice!
Well that's it! I'm all bloged out :P
Current Mood: Apathetic
Emulated/Virtual Test Network
2 months ago